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78 different matching expressions found:

hány to barf (Correction)
to be sick (Correction)
to cat (Correction)
to dump (Correction)
to dump one's load (Correction)
to puke (Correction)
to throw, threw, thrown (Correction)
to vomit (Correction)
what (Correction)
hány? how many? (Correction)
hányó vomiting (Correction)
hányad fraction (Correction)
proportion (Correction)
quota (Correction)
hányás puke (Correction)
hányódva adrift (Correction)
hányadék barf city (Correction)
barf-out (Correction)
glop (Correction)
hánytató emetic (Correction)
puke (Correction)
hányódás pitch (Correction)
tossing (Correction)
hányados quotient (Correction)
hányódik to be adrift (Correction)
to go adrift (Correction)
to toss (Correction)
hányinger feeling of sickness (Correction)
nausea (Correction)
retch (Correction)
retching (Correction)
hányszor? how often? (Correction)
hányatott rugged (Correction)
hányaveti stuck-up (Correction)
fejet hány to ear (Correction)
hánykolódó tumbling (Correction)
hányattatás adversity (Correction)
hányózacskó sanitary bag (Correction)
sick bag (Correction)
waste bag (Correction)
hánykolódik to flounce (Correction)
to toss (Correction)
to tumble (Correction)
magára hány to throw on (Correction)
hánytatószer emetic (Correction)
puke (Correction)
kalászt hány to ear (Correction)
szemére hány to object sg to sy (Correction)
szikrát hány to spark (Correction)
to sputter (Correction)
hány óra van? how goes the enemy? (Correction)
how goes the time? (Correction)
what is the time? (Correction)
what time is it? (Correction)
hányódni kezd to go adrift (Correction)
egymásra hányó heaping (Correction)
hánytató borkő tartar emetic (Correction)
tartrated antimony (Correction)
hányingere van to feel sick (Correction)
to keck (Correction)
to nauseate (Correction)
to retch (Correction)
to turn sick (Correction)
bukfencet hány to turn a complete somersault (Correction)
hányadika van? what day of the month is it? (Correction)
hány éves vagy? how old are you? (Correction)
hányódik-vetődik to be adrift (Correction)
vasvillával hány to fork (Correction)
halomba hány vmit to huddle sg up (Correction)
to huddle together sg (Correction)
összevissza hányva all over the shop (Correction)
hányja-veti a sors to be thrown about (Correction)
cigánykereket hány to do cartwheels (Correction)
to turn cartwheels (Correction)
to turn pin-wheels (Correction)
fittyet hány vmire to thumb his nose at sg (Correction)
ágyban hánykolódik to toss and tumble in bed (Correction)
nem tudom hányadik umpteen (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

22 different matching expressions found:

hány be sick (Correction)
hányados fraction (Correction)
hány óra? how goes the enemy? (Correction)
how goes the time? (Correction)
hány éves how old (Correction)
how old are you (Correction)
hány/okád puke (Correction)
hány, okád vomit (Correction)
hánykolódva adrift (Correction)
hánykolódik toss about (Correction)
hány órakor? at what time? (Correction)
fittyet hány snap one's fingers (Correction)
thumb his nose at (Correction)
kardélre hány put to the sword (Correction)
hány óra van? time / what - is it? (Correction)
hányingere van feel sick (Correction)
sick / feel - (Correction)
turn sick (Correction)
(ki)hány, okád throw up (Correction)
beteg; hányinger sick (Correction)
falra borsót hány flog a dead horse (Correction)
hányja-veti a sors be thrown about (Correction)

Correction mode off