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29 different matching expressions found:

méreg anger (Correction)
bane (Correction)
bate (Correction)
bother (Correction)
poison (Correction)
toxin (Correction)
venom (Correction)
méreget to weigh (Correction)
méregfog fang (Correction)
méregzsák ratbag (Correction)
spitfire (Correction)
ellenméreg antidote (Correction)
körömméreg felon (Correction)
méregdrága to cost an arm and a leg (Correction)
méregbe jön to get hairy (Correction)
méregbe hoz to infuriate (Correction)
méregelvonás detoxication (Correction)
eszi a méreg to be in an awful bate (Correction)
to fume (Correction)
méregtelenít to detoxify (Correction)
méregtelenítés detoxication (Correction)
detoxification (Correction)
általános méreg systemic poison (Correction)
elfogta a méreg to be in passion (Correction)
lassan ölő méreg slow poison (Correction)
méregbe hoz vkit to put sy into a passion (Correction)
forr benne a méreg to simmer with anger (Correction)
sötéten méreget vkit to eye sy evilly (Correction)
ellenségesen méreget to glare at sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

méreg upas (Correction)
méregtan toxicology (Correction)
ellenméreg antitoxin (Correction)
counter-poison (Correction)
méregmirigy poison-gland (Correction)
méregkeverő poisoner (Correction)
méreg(anyag) toxin (Correction)
méreg; megmérgez poison (Correction)
tiszta/erős méreg rank poison (Correction)
forr benne a méreg simmer with anger (Correction)
méregbe hoz/feldühít put back up (Correction)
kihúzza a méregfogát/ártalmatlanná tesz draw teeth (Correction)

Correction mode off