[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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21 different matching expressions found:

rokkant cripple (Correction)
crippled (Correction)
decrepit (Correction)
invalid (Correction)
rokkantság disability (Correction)
disablement (Correction)
invalidism (Correction)
hadirokkant man crippled in the war (Correction)
hurokkal fog to lasso (Correction)
to noose (Correction)
to springe (Correction)
hadirokkantak war cripples (Correction)
sarokkal ellát to corner (Correction)
rokkanttá tesz to cripple (Correction)
to lame (Correction)
farokkal ellát to tail (Correction)
szűk marokkal mér to scrimp (Correction)
to skimp (Correction)
rokkantsági nyugdíj disability pension (Correction)
bokrokkal sűrűn benőtt bushy (Correction)
rokkantság miatt leszerel vkit to invalid sy out (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

rokka distaff (Correction)
spinning-wheel (Correction)
rokkantság decrepitude (Correction)
tárt karokkal fogad give the glad hand (Correction)

Correction mode off