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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

13 different matching expressions found:

day to day mindennapi (Correction)
to win the day elviszi a pálmát (Correction)
győzedelmeskedik (Correction)
up to this day a mai napig (Correction)
mind a mai napig (Correction)
to gain the day felülkerekedik (Correction)
győz (Correction)
to carry the day elviszi a pálmát (Correction)
győzedelmeskedik (Correction)
to give the time of the day jó napot kíván (Correction)
jó reggelt kíván (Correction)
jó estét kíván (Correction)
to adjourn sg to the next day másnapra halaszt vmit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

to day ma (Correction)
to-day ma (Correction)
day-to-day naponta ismétlődő (Correction)
napi; naponta ismétlödö (Correction)
to this day mindmáig (Correction)
up to this day (mind) a mai napig (Correction)
to this very day mind a mai napig (Correction)
a year to the day pont egy éve (Correction)
to one's dying day holta napjáig (Correction)
it's late in the day to "kissé késő(i) már, hogy" (Correction)

Correction mode off