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16 different matching expressions found:

for good egyszer s mindenkorra (Correction)
végleg (Correction)
véglegesen (Correction)
örökre (Correction)
good for you! jó neked! (Correction)
for good and all végleg (Correction)
véglegesen (Correction)
egyszer s mindenkorra (Correction)
örökre (Correction)
for good measure ráadásul (Correction)
good for nothing semmire sem jó (Correction)
semmit sem ér (Correction)
to be good for sy jót tesz vkinek (Correction)
for one's own good saját érdekében (Correction)
for the good of sy vkinek a javára (Correction)
vki érdekében (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

good / for - örökre (Correction)
good for you jó neked (Correction)
for the good of a javára (Correction)
for good and all egyszer és mindenkorra (Correction)
good for nothing semmire se jó (Correction)
pernahajder (Correction)
good-for-nothing haszontalan (Correction)

Correction mode off