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12 different matching expressions found:

much as bármennyire is (Correction)
as much as annyi mint (Correction)
ugyanannyira mint (Correction)
ugyanúgy mint (Correction)
so much as annyi mint (Correction)
ugyanannyira mint (Correction)
ugyanúgy mint (Correction)
as much as to say mintha azt akarná mondani, hogy (Correction)
i thought as much ezt gondoltam is (Correction)
without so much as anélkül, hogy (Correction)
he doesn't so much as még csak nem is (Correction)
much to my astonishment legnagyobb meglepetésemre (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

as much again még egyszer annyi (Correction)
twice as much kétszer annyi (Correction)
as much as to say (annyi) mintha azt akarná mondani (Correction)
i thought as much ezt sejtettem/gondoltam is (Correction)
i suspected as much ezt sejtetem is (Correction)
much to one's astonishment legnagyobb meglepetésére (Correction)
it costs as much as ten pounds (éppen) tíz fontba kerül (Correction)

Correction mode off