[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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8 different matching expressions found:

potter fazekas (Correction)
pottery agyagedény (Correction)
fazekasság (Correction)
to potter fontoskodik (Correction)
potter's lathe fazekaspad (Correction)
to potter away elfecsérli az idejét (Correction)
to potter about pepecsel (Correction)
piszmog (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

pottery cserépáru (Correction)
potter away elfecsérel (Correction)
potter about pepecsel (Correction)
potter's clay fazekasagyag (Correction)
potter's field szegények temetője (Correction)
potter's wheel fazekaskorong (Correction)

Correction mode off