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29 different matching expressions found:

by rights jog szerint (Correction)
jogosan (Correction)
film rights filmre alkalmazás joga (Correction)
civil rights polgárjogok (Correction)
patent rights szabadalmi jogok (Correction)
minority rights kissebségi jogok (Correction)
to set to rights helyreigazít (Correction)
kijavít (Correction)
rendbe hoz (Correction)
all rights reserved minden jog fenntartva (Correction)
to put sg to rights rendbe hoz (Correction)
kijavít (Correction)
elrendez (Correction)
helyreállít (Correction)
to set sg to rights rendbe hoz (Correction)
kijavít (Correction)
elrendez (Correction)
helyreállít (Correction)
civil rights movement polgárjogi mozgalom (Correction)
polgárjogi harc (Correction)
to assert one's rights ragaszkodik jogaihoz (Correction)
rights and wrongs of sy jó és rossz oldala vkinek (Correction)
to trespass on sy's rights jogait sérti vkinek (Correction)
jogait bitorolja vkinek (Correction)
tilosban jár (Correction)
encroachment on sy's rights jogsérelem (Correction)
to trespass upon sy's rights jogait sérti vkinek (Correction)
jogait bitorolja vkinek (Correction)
tilosban jár (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

rights jogok (Correction)
put to rights rendbe hoz (Correction)
set to rights elrendez (Correction)
vested rights szerzett jogok (Correction)
personality rights személyiségi jogok (Correction)
proprietary rights tulajdonjog(ok) (Correction)
enforce one's rights érvényesíti jogait (Correction)
vindicate one's rights érvényesíti jogait (Correction)

Correction mode off