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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

16 different matching expressions found:

wine bor (Correction)
wineskin bortömlő (Correction)
full wine testes bor (Correction)
wine list borlap (Correction)
itallap (Correction)
white wine fehér bor (Correction)
quince-wine birsalmabor (Correction)
wine cooler pezsgősvödör (Correction)
quinine wine kínabor (Correction)
to rack wine bort lefejt (Correction)
to be in wine borközi állapotban van (Correction)
antimonial wine antimon bor (Correction)
to rack off wine bort lefejt (Correction)
to take wine neat tisztán issza a bort (Correction)
to drink wine neat tisztán issza a bort (Correction)
to wine and dine sy jól tart vkit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

11 different matching expressions found:

red wine vörösbor (Correction)
port-wine portói/vörös bor (Correction)
be in wine borközi állapotban van (Correction)
rhine wine rajnai bor (Correction)
small wine gyenge bor (Correction)
mulled wine forralt bor (Correction)
a keg of wine egy hordó bor (Correction)
bottle of wine üveg bor (Correction)
a bottle of wine egy üveg bor (Correction)
adulterated wine vizezett bor/lőre (Correction)
good wine needs no bush jó bornak nem kell cégér (Correction)

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