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17 different matching expressions found:

easel festőállvány (Correction)
teasel kártológép (Correction)
takácsmácsonya (Correction)
weasel agyafúrt ember (Correction)
buzgómócsing (Correction)
menyét (Correction)
sunyi ember (Correction)
túlbuzgó ember (Correction)
ceaseless szakadatlan (Correction)
szüntelen (Correction)
to teasel kártol (Correction)
ceaselessly szakadatlanul (Correction)
szüntelenül (Correction)
weasel-faced sunyi arcú (Correction)
to weasel in on sy bevágódik vkinél (Correction)
to weasel out of sg kiszáll a buliból (Correction)
to weasel in with sy bevágódik vkinél (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

One matching expression found:

teasel kártol (Correction)

Correction mode off