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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

33 different matching expressions found:

on hand kapható (Correction)
raktáron van (Correction)
to hand on továbbad (Correction)
goods on hand árukészlet (Correction)
on every hand mindenütt (Correction)
mindenfelé (Correction)
stock on hand raktári készlet (Correction)
on either hand mindenütt (Correction)
mindenfelé (Correction)
on the one hand egyrészt (Correction)
on the other hand másrészt (Correction)
to hold one's hand jó lappal kivár (Correction)
tartózkodóan viselkedik (Correction)
visszatartja magát (Correction)
uralkodik magán (Correction)
to show one's hand felfedi a kártyáit (Correction)
to wave one's hand int (Correction)
to raise one's hand jelentkezik (Correction)
the hand-brake is on be van húzva a kézifék (Correction)
to hand on the torch továbbadja a tudás fáklyáját (Correction)
to hand in one's check beadja a kulcsot (Correction)
elpatkol (Correction)
to throw in one's hand feladja a játszmát (Correction)
megadja magát (Correction)
to get one's hand in sg beledolgozza magát vmibe (Correction)
to try one's hand at sg megpróbálkozik vmivel (Correction)
to die by one's own hand megöli magát (Correction)
to get sg off one's hand megszabadul vmitől (Correction)
to give one's hand on sg kezet ad vmire (Correction)
to kiss one's hand to sy csókot int vkinek (Correction)
to fight for one's own hand saját érdekeit védi (Correction)
to lift one's hand against sy kezet emel vkire (Correction)
to turn one's hand to doing sg nekikezd vminek (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

hand on továbbadni (Correction)
remain on hand nyakán marad (Correction)
set one's hand aláír (Correction)
call one's hand bemondja a tromfot (Correction)
clap one's hand tapsol (Correction)
give one's hand kezet ad (Correction)
hand on a plate (arany) tálcán nyújtani át (Correction)
hold one's hand uralkodik magán (Correction)
stay one's hand tartózkodik a cselekvéstől (Correction)
on the other hand másrészről (Correction)
try one's hand at megpróbálkozik (Correction)
kiss one's hand to csókot int (Correction)
hand in one's check beadja a kulcsot/elpatkol/meghal (Correction)
throw in one's hand feladja a játszmát (Correction)
die by one's own hand önkezével vet véget életének (Correction)
lift one's hand against kezet emel ellene (Correction)
set one's hand to doing nekikezd (Correction)
fight for one's own hand saját érdekeit védi (Correction)
raise one's hand against kezet emel ellene (Correction)
turn one's hand to doing nekikezd (Correction)
hand in one's resignation benyújtja lemondását (Correction)
put one's hand to the plow megfogja az eke szarvát (Correction)
put one's hand to the plough megfogja az eke szarvát (Correction)
put one's hand in one's pocket belenyúl a zsebébe (Correction)
to know something as the back of one's hand úgy ismeri mint a tenyerét (Correction)
nagyon jól ismeri (Correction)

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