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55 different matching expressions found:

there amott (Correction)
azon a ponton (Correction)
oda (Correction)
ott (Correction)
on there buktató (Correction)
rajta (Correction)
there is van (Correction)
up there odafenn (Correction)
ott fenn (Correction)
out there arra (Correction)
ott kinn (Correction)
so there! hát ez a helyzet! (Correction)
nesze neked! (Correction)
there are vannak (Correction)
there now! na gyerünk! (Correction)
na ugye! (Correction)
right there éppen ott (Correction)
belay there! elég! (Correction)
állj! (Correction)
to get there eléri célját (Correction)
odaér (Correction)
we are there helyben vagyunk (Correction)
megérkeztünk (Correction)
there, there! ugyan, ugyan! (Correction)
here and there itt-ott (Correction)
hébe-hóba (Correction)
then and there azon nyomban (Correction)
there and back oda-vissza (Correction)
there and then azon nyomban (Correction)
there is a boo buktató (Correction)
there is sg up vmi baj van (Correction)
itt vmi készül (Correction)
there you are! íme! (Correction)
nem megmondtam! (Correction)
na ugye! (Correction)
he is all there ravasz ember (Correction)
agyafúrt ember (Correction)
there was a knock kopogtak (Correction)
there was no score az eredmény null-null (Correction)
nem volt gól (Correction)
senki sem szerzett pontot (Correction)
there you have me! itt megfogtál! (Correction)
you have me there! most megfogtál! (Correction)
i am with you there ebben egyetértek veled (Correction)
there is no call to semmi szükség arra, hogy (Correction)
there is no telling nem lehet tudni (Correction)
nem lehet megmondani (Correction)
ki tudja? (Correction)
there are people who van olyan aki (Correction)
he left there at five ötkor ment el onnan (Correction)
there is no end to it se vége se hossza (Correction)
he is not at all there nincs ott az esze (Correction)
there is no more of it nincs több (Correction)
there was nobody about egy lélek sem volt ott (Correction)
there you are mistaken ebben tévedsz (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

45 different matching expressions found:

there ott, amott (Correction)
go there menj oda (Correction)
is there (van) (Correction)
on there ott rajta (Correction)
so there nana (Correction)
there is (van) (Correction)
(vmi/vki) van (Correction)
are there vagytok (Correction)
get there odaérkezik (Correction)
out there "ott kinn, arra" (Correction)
there are (vannak) (Correction)
(vmik/vkik) vannak (Correction)
there now na ugye (Correction)
over there odaát (Correction)
ott, oda (Correction)
there is a van egy (Correction)
stay there! maradj ott! (Correction)
there isn't (vmi/vki) nincs (Correction)
there aren't (vmik/vkik) nincsenek (Correction)
there!there! ugyan-ugyan! (Correction)
there you are tessék (Correction)
na ugye nem megmondtam (Correction)
there! there! ugyan! ugyan! (Correction)
here and there itt-ott/hébe-hóba (Correction)
néhol (Correction)
there / over - ott, oda, amott (Correction)
he is all there ravasz agyafúrt ember (Correction)
there was a ring csöngettek (Correction)
there was once a volt egyszer egy (Correction)
there is no hurry nem sürgős (Correction)
there you have me itt most megfogtál (Correction)
is there any more? van még (belőle)? (Correction)
he is not all there kicsit ütődött (Correction)
there is no call to "semmi szükség arra, hogy" (Correction)
there is no knowing mit lehet tudni (Correction)
how can i get there? hogy jutok el oda? (Correction)
there is plenty more van még bőven (Correction)
there are plenty more van még sok (Correction)
there is nothing like nincs párja (Correction)
mindennél többet ér (Correction)
there is something up itt valami készül (Correction)
there you are mistake ebben tévedsz (Correction)
i happened to be there véletlen épp ott voltam (Correction)
since there is no help mivel ezen nem lehet változtatni (Correction)
there are more ways of több útja van a (Correction)

Correction mode off