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10 different matching expressions found:

gondolat idea (Correction)
thought (Correction)
hátsó gondolat back-door intent (Correction)
lurking thought (Correction)
ulterior motive (Correction)
gondolat nélküli vacant (Correction)
egyetlen gondolat greatest preoccupation (Correction)
preoccupation (Correction)
egy gondolat rabja to be dominated by an idea (Correction)
átvillan (gondolat) to flit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

őrült gondolat crackpot (Correction)
hátsó gondolat mental reservation (Correction)
ötlet; gondolat idea (Correction)
jó ötlet/gondolat a happy thought (Correction)
a puszta gondolat the bare idea (Correction)
(már) maga a gondolat the mere thought (Correction)
egy gondolat megszállottja be obsessed with an idea (Correction)
possed with an idea (Correction)
nem tetszik nekem a gondolat i don't favor the idea (Correction)
i don't favour the idea (Correction)

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