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10 different matching expressions found:

vés to chisel (Correction)
to gouge (Correction)
to gouge out (Correction)
to grave (Correction)
to grave, graved, graven (Correction)
vés vmit vmibe to imprint sg on sg (Correction)
emlékezetébe vés vmit to fix sg in one's mind (Correction)
eszébe vés vkinek vmit to inculcate sg in sy (Correction)
lelkébe vés vkinek vmit to inculcate sg in sy (Correction)
jól emlékezetébe vés vmit to fix sg in one's mind (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

vés chisell (Correction)
emlékezetébe vés engrave upon one's memory (Correction)
(jól) emlékezetébe vés fix in one's mind (Correction)

Correction mode off