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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

18 different matching expressions found:

visel to bear, bore, borne (Correction)
to carry (Correction)
to wear, wore, worn (Correction)
visel vmit have sg on (Correction)
fűzőt visel to lace (Correction)
hadat visel to war (Correction)
álnevet visel to go by a false name (Correction)
fegyvert visel to bear arms (Correction)
feltűnően visel to sport (Correction)
hadat visel vki ellen to go to war against sy (Correction)
to make war on sy (Correction)
to wage war against (Correction)
to wage war on (Correction)
hadat visel vmi ellen to wage war against (Correction)
to wage war on (Correction)
költséget közösen visel to get up a subscription (Correction)
nagyon a szívén visel vmit to be solicitous about sg (Correction)
jót és rosszat egyformán visel to take the bad with the good (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

hord/visel have on (Correction)
fegyvert visel bear arms (Correction)
hord/visel (ruhát) to don (Correction)

Correction mode off