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6 different matching expressions found:

ebben a kérdésben on this point (Correction)
ebben a helyzetben at this juncture (Correction)
ebben a tekintetben in this regard (Correction)
ebben az összefüggésben in this context (Correction)
ebben az üzletben kapható it is to be had in this shop (Correction)
ebben a kritikus helyzetben at this juncture (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

17 different matching expressions found:

ebben a in this (Correction)
ebben a gépben in this machine (Correction)
ebben az esetben in this case (Correction)
ebben a vonatkozásban in this regard (Correction)
ebben az összefüggésben in this connection (Correction)
ebben a konkrét esetben in this particular case (Correction)
ebben a pillanatban, most this instant (Correction)
ebben a (kritikus) helyzetben at this juncture (Correction)
ebben a kérdésben hajthatatlan on this point he is adamant (Correction)
ebben nem vagyok annyira biztos i am not so sure about it (Correction)
i am not so sure about that (Correction)
i am not so sure of it (Correction)
i am not so sure of that (Correction)
ha én volnék ebben a helyzetben if i were so conditioned (Correction)
állásfoglalása ebben a kérdésben his position on this question (Correction)
ebben a kritikus/válságos helyzetben in this emergency (Correction)
ebben a(z áru)cikkben nincs kereslet there is no call for this article (Correction)

Correction mode off