[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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90 different matching expressions found:

gyorsan agily (Correction)
apace (Correction)
at a good pace (Correction)
at a great pace (Correction)
at a lively clip (Correction)
at a quick pace (Correction)
fast (Correction)
hard (Correction)
headlong (Correction)
presto (Correction)
quick (Correction)
quickly (Correction)
rapidly (Correction)
rashly (Correction)
short (Correction)
speedily (Correction)
swift (Correction)
swiftly (Correction)
to a smart pace (Correction)
gyorsan! be quick! (Correction)
quick! (Correction)
gyorsan nő to mushroom (Correction)
gyorsan jár to post (Correction)
gyorsan megy to go fast (Correction)
to pop (Correction)
to spank along (Correction)
gyorsan tesz to pop (Correction)
gyorsan hajt to ride hard (Correction)
gyorsan leír to run off (Correction)
gyorsan üget to spank along (Correction)
gyorsan visz to wing (Correction)
gyorsan átnéz to give sg the once-over (Correction)
gyorsan halad to go at a spanking pace (Correction)
to spank along (Correction)
gyorsan eszik to tuck sg away (Correction)
gyorsan száll to wing (Correction)
gyorsan terjed to mushroom (Correction)
gyorsan utazik to post (Correction)
gyorsan lovagol to bucket (Correction)
to ride hard (Correction)
gyorsan átlapoz to riffle (Correction)
gyorsan felépít to run up (Correction)
to throw up (Correction)
gyorsan elvégez to toss off (Correction)
gyorsan cselekvő quick to act (Correction)
gyorsan lerajzol to touch off (Correction)
de gyorsan aztán! pretty damn quick! (Correction)
gyorsan tesz vmit to be quick about sg (Correction)
to be quick over sg (Correction)
gyorsan emelkedik to rocket (Correction)
gyorsan összecsap to skimp (Correction)
gyorsan felmászik to sling oneself up (Correction)
gyorsan megszagol to sniff at (Correction)
gyorsan forgó szem swivel eye (Correction)
gyorsan átfut vmit to cast one's eye over sg (Correction)
to run one's eye over sg (Correction)
gyorsan eszik vmit to chow sg down (Correction)
nagyon gyorsan vág to hog out (Correction)
gyorsan összetákol to throw together (Correction)
gyorsan csinál vmit to be quick about sg (Correction)
to be quick over sg (Correction)
gyorsan elvesz vmit to nip away (Correction)
gyorsan felkap vmit to nip up (Correction)
gyorsan ágyba bújik to pop into bed (Correction)
gyorsan kapcsoló ész quick wit (Correction)
gyorsan végez vmivel to be quick about sg (Correction)
to be quick over sg (Correction)
to make a short work of sg (Correction)
gyorsan átlapoz vmit to cast one's eye over sg (Correction)
to run one's eye over sg (Correction)
gyorsan elragad vmit to nip away (Correction)
gyorsan megragad vmit to nip up (Correction)
gyorsan elkészít vmit to whomp sg up (Correction)
gyorsan lehajtott ital a quick one (Correction)
gyorsan megcsinál vmit to be quick about sg (Correction)
to be quick over sg (Correction)
gyorsan elröppen (idő) to fleet (Correction)
gyorsan elpusztít vmit to make a short work of sg (Correction)
gyorsan fegyverhez kap to quick on the draw (Correction)
gyorsan feltörő személy mushroom (Correction)
gyorsan megfelel vkinek to give sy a clincher (Correction)
gyorsan válaszol vkinek to give sy a clincher (Correction)
gyorsan elfogyaszt vmit to make a short work of sg (Correction)
gyorsan összeállít vmit to whomp sg up (Correction)
gyorsan megcsinált dolog quickie (Correction)
quicky (Correction)
gyorsan összeütött dolog quickie (Correction)
quicky (Correction)
gyorsan bevon (vitorlát) to douse (Correction)
gyorsan bedug vmit vmibe to pop sg into sg (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

gyorsan megy go fast (Correction)
spank along (Correction)
gyorsan felkap nip up (Correction)
gyorsan elragad nip away (Correction)
gyorsan száradó quick-setting (Correction)
ne olyan gyorsan don't speed (Correction)
a dudva gyorsan nő ill weeds grow apace (Correction)
gyorsan végez vmivel run off sth (Correction)
gyorsan kapcsol (átv.) catch on quickly (Correction)
gyorsan kapcsol az esze have a ready wit (Correction)

Correction mode off