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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

5 different matching expressions found:

tartán plaid (Correction)
tartan (Correction)
egyenesen tartandó to be kept upright (Correction)
nem kell esőtől tartani there's no fear of rain (Correction)
tartani lehet attól, hogy it is to be feared that (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

tartani to keep (Correction)
pléd; tartán plaid (Correction)
lépést tartani march at attention (Correction)
kocsit tartani run a car (Correction)
titokban tartani to keep sg. under wraps (Correction)
tartani v.meddig to take (Correction)
totake (Correction)
kapcsolatot tartani be in communication with (Correction)
hatalmában tartani vágyó possesive (Correction)
"attó kell tartani, hogy" it's greatly to be feared that (Correction)
az üzletek zárva tartanak the shops are closed (Correction)
"félni/tartani lehet attól, hogy" it is to be feared that (Correction)
igényt tartani vmire, követelni vmit lay claim to (Correction)
ahol vásárokat, búcsúkat, kiállításokat szoktak tartani fairground (Correction)

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