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84 different matching expressions found:

váll shoulder (Correction)
vall to profess (Correction)
valló professor (Correction)
vállfa coathanger (Correction)
hanger (Correction)
vállkő cushion (Correction)
vallás persuasion (Correction)
religion (Correction)
vállal to assume (Correction)
to contract (Correction)
to shoulder (Correction)
to stand, stood (Correction)
to tackle (Correction)
to take in (Correction)
to take on (Correction)
to undertake, -took, -taken (Correction)
to undertake, undertook, undertaken (Correction)
vallat to grill (Correction)
to interrogate (Correction)
vallató interrogator (Correction)
questioner (Correction)
vállalat business concern (Correction)
business undertaking (Correction)
company (Correction)
corporation (Correction)
enterprise (Correction)
firm (Correction)
show (Correction)
undertaking (Correction)
vallomás confession (Correction)
deposition (Correction)
statement (Correction)
vallásos devotional (Correction)
godly (Correction)
religious (Correction)
váll-lap epaulet (Correction)
epaulette (Correction)
strap (Correction)
vállpánt epaulet (Correction)
epaulette (Correction)
vállizom humeral muscle (Correction)
vallatás interrogation (Correction)
vállszíj rifle-sling (Correction)
sam browne belt (Correction)
shoulder belt (Correction)
sling (Correction)
strap (Correction)
vállrész yoke (Correction)
vállkendő shawl (Correction)
válltáska shoulder bag (Correction)
vállvetve shoulder to shoulder (Correction)
vállvonás shrug (Correction)
vállalkozó contractor (Correction)
entrepreneur (Correction)
go-ahead (Correction)
vállszalag sash (Correction)
vall vmire to bespeak, bespoke, bespoken (Correction)
to betoken (Correction)
vállal lök to shoulder (Correction)
vállat von to shrug (Correction)
vállalkozás enterprise (Correction)
proposition (Correction)
task (Correction)
undertaking (Correction)
venture (Correction)
vállára vet to sling, slung (Correction)
vállalkozik to undertake, -took, -taken (Correction)
to undertake, undertook, undertaken (Correction)
csapott váll drooping shoulders (Correction)
round shoulders (Correction)
vállrándítás shrug (Correction)
vállára vesz to shoulder (Correction)
vállveregetés clap (Correction)
pat on the back (Correction)
vallási dogma doctrine (Correction)
iszlám vallás islam (Correction)
kudarcot vall to flop (Correction)
to fuck up (Correction)
to lose out (Correction)
vállal taszít to shoulder (Correction)
vállal meglök to shoulder (Correction)
magára vállal to take upon oneself (Correction)
to undertake, -took, -taken (Correction)
to undertake, undertook, undertaken (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

vallási religious (Correction)
vállpánt eepaulette (Correction)
vállalás pledge (Correction)
vállszíj shoulder-belt (Correction)
vállbojt shoulder-knot (Correction)
váll-lap shoulder-strap (Correction)
vállakozás business (Correction)
vállat von shrug (Correction)
vallástalan irreligious (Correction)
(váll)kendö shawl (Correction)
vállalkozni undertake (Correction)
részt vállal go shares in (Correction)
take a hand in (Correction)
vállalatközi interenterprise (Correction)
zsidó vallás Judaism (Correction)
széles vállú square-shouldered (Correction)

Correction mode off