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87 different matching expressions found:

édes ducky (Correction)
luscious (Correction)
sweet (Correction)
fedés masking (Correction)
védés save (Correction)
édesem luv (Correction)
szedés matter (Correction)
picking (Correction)
typesetting (Correction)
édesít to sweeten (Correction)
ébredés arousal (Correction)
awakening (Correction)
waking (Correction)
tévedés blue (Correction)
bobble (Correction)
deception (Correction)
delusion (Correction)
error (Correction)
flaw (Correction)
miscalculation (Correction)
miss (Correction)
mistake (Correction)
oversight (Correction)
slip (Correction)
wrong (Correction)
repedés burst (Correction)
crack (Correction)
cranny (Correction)
fire-crack (Correction)
fissure (Correction)
flaw (Correction)
joint (Correction)
rent (Correction)
rictus, rictus (Correction)
rift (Correction)
rive (Correction)
slit (Correction)
split (Correction)
spring (Correction)
tear (Correction)
édesség candy (Correction)
confection (Correction)
confectionery (Correction)
goodies (Correction)
goody (Correction)
lusciousness (Correction)
sweet (Correction)
sweetie (Correction)
sweetmeat (Correction)
sweets (Correction)
ezredes colonel (Correction)
tizedes corporal (Correction)
exterminator (Correction)
rack (Correction)
would to heaven (Correction)
erjedés ferment (Correction)
fermentation (Correction)
yeast (Correction)
édeskés fulsome (Correction)
luscious (Correction)
mawkish (Correction)
namby-pamby (Correction)
sweetish (Correction)
treacly (Correction)
unctuous (Correction)
mézédes luscious (Correction)
mellifluous (Correction)
negédes namby-pamby (Correction)
édes nice and sweet (Correction)
feledés oblivion (Correction)
silence (Correction)
átfedés overlap (Correction)
superimposition (Correction)
kivédés parry (Correction)
rekedés retention (Correction)
szedési typographic (Correction)
typographical (Correction)
beszédes affable (Correction)
chatty (Correction)
conversational (Correction)
öregedés ageing (Correction)
aging (Correction)
tespedés backwater (Correction)
kérkedés brag (Correction)
braggart (Correction)
bragging (Correction)
rászedés cheat (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

13 different matching expressions found:

édes dulcet (Correction)
fedés cover (Correction)
édesem my sweet (Correction)
édesen sweetly (Correction)
édesség comfit (Correction)
dessert (Correction)
sugariness (Correction)
sweetness (Correction)
tizedes decimal (Correction)
édesapa father (Correction)
repedés rupture (Correction)
édeskés saccharine (Correction)
édesítő sweetener (Correction)

Correction mode off