[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

76 different matching expressions found:

ész brain (Correction)
headpiece (Correction)
intellect (Correction)
mind (Correction)
reason (Correction)
savvy (Correction)
senses (Correction)
wit (Correction)
kész accomplished (Correction)
he's dead and done for (Correction)
perfect (Correction)
ready (Correction)
rész bay (Correction)
division (Correction)
part (Correction)
passage (Correction)
peak (Correction)
place (Correction)
portion (Correction)
proportion (Correction)
section (Correction)
segment (Correction)
share (Correction)
mész lime (Correction)
white heat (Correction)
whitewash (Correction)
vesz to buy, bought (Correction)
to dip (Correction)
to get, got (Correction)
to nick (Correction)
to take, took, taken (Correction)
lesz to come, came, come (Correction)
to make, made (Correction)
tesz to do, did, done (Correction)
to lay, laid (Correction)
to place (Correction)
to put, put (Correction)
to set, set (Correction)
to shove (Correction)
to stand, stood (Correction)
to work (Correction)
-eszű -brained (Correction)
eszes brainy (Correction)
shrewd (Correction)
egész clear (Correction)
complete (Correction)
complex (Correction)
entire (Correction)
fairly (Correction)
integral (Correction)
plumb (Correction)
round (Correction)
some (Correction)
total (Correction)
whole (Correction)
eszme conception (Correction)
idea (Correction)
notion (Correction)
eresz drip (Correction)
eaves (Correction)
weathering (Correction)
teszt quiz (Correction)
test (Correction)
kresz rule of the road (Correction)
rules of the road (Correction)
szesz rum (Correction)
spirit (Correction)
eszik to chow (Correction)
to eat, ate, eaten (Correction)
to fare (Correction)
to feed, fed (Correction)
to partake, partook, partaken (Correction)
to stomach (Correction)
to victual (Correction)
besző to darn (Correction)
kiesz to eat, ate, eaten (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

24 different matching expressions found:

ész nous (Correction)
eszű -witted (Correction)
vész bane (Correction)
lesz become (Correction)
he will be (Correction)
it will (Correction)
vesz buy (Correction)
tesz do (Correction)
does (Correction)
put (Correction)
puts (Correction)
észt Estonian (Correction)
egész all (Correction)
eszme belief (Correction)
eszes clever (Correction)
perspicacious (Correction)
sagacious (Correction)
eszik eat (Correction)
eat , ate , eaten (Correction)
erész forester (Correction)
kresz highway code (Correction)
észak north (Correction)
eresz pent-roof (Correction)
kész- ready-made (Correction)

Correction mode off