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73 different matching expressions found:

béna cripple (Correction)
crippled (Correction)
game (Correction)
gammy (Correction)
halting (Correction)
lame (Correction)
maimed (Correction)
-ben in (Correction)
inboard (Correction)
benn in (Correction)
inwardly (Correction)
within (Correction)
bent in (Correction)
within (Correction)
within doors (Correction)
benő to overrun, overran, overrun (Correction)
benső inward (Correction)
bendő maw (Correction)
tripes (Correction)
bénít to cramp (Correction)
benéz to look in (Correction)
to pop in (Correction)
benzol benzene (Correction)
benzin benzine (Correction)
gas (Correction)
gasoline (Correction)
petrol (Correction)
benőtt overgrown (Correction)
bénult palsied (Correction)
spastic (Correction)
bénító paralysing (Correction)
benyom to push in (Correction)
bendzsó banjo (Correction)
bentosz benthos (Correction)
bénaság lameness (Correction)
bénulás palsy (Correction)
paralysis (Correction)
benevez to enter (Correction)
to enter for (Correction)
to send in one's name (Correction)
benyújt to exhibit (Correction)
to hand in (Correction)
to lodge (Correction)
to pass in (Correction)
to present (Correction)
to render (Correction)
to send in (Correction)
bénázik to muddle (Correction)
benyomás impression (Correction)
bennlakó inmate (Correction)
resident (Correction)
bénítóan paralysingly (Correction)
benyúlik to bite (Correction)
to butt in (Correction)
to penetrate (Correction)
benyakal to mop up (Correction)
benyomul to push in (Correction)
benyálaz to slobber (Correction)
benevezés entry (Correction)
benzinkút filling station (Correction)
gas pump (Correction)
gas station (Correction)
petrol pump (Correction)
petrol station (Correction)
service station (Correction)
benn levő inside (Correction)
benépesít to people (Correction)
to populate (Correction)
benyálkáz to slime (Correction)
bennragad to stick in (Correction)
to stick, stuck (Correction)
benyomulás intrusion (Correction)
bensőséges inward (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

27 different matching expressions found:

bent indoor (Correction)
béna lamer (Correction)
paralytic (Correction)
benő overgrow (Correction)
Benin Benin (Correction)
bendő rumen (Correction)
benini Beninese (Correction)
bénító crippling (Correction)
paralyzing (Correction)
benzin gasolene (Correction)
benőtt overgrew (Correction)
benyom push in (Correction)
benyal to kiss up (Correction)
bengáli bengali (Correction)
benevez enter for (Correction)
send in one's name (Correction)
benézni look in (Correction)
benyújt pass in (Correction)
to submit (Correction)
bentlakó boarder (Correction)
béna láb game leg (Correction)
benzinkút filling-station (Correction)
fuelling-station (Correction)
-ban,-ben in (Correction)
benépesít inhabit (Correction)
populate (Correction)
benn tart keep in (Correction)

Correction mode off