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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

13 different matching expressions found:

-tartalmú -laden (Correction)
enyv tartalmú collagenous (Correction)
higany tartalmú mercurial (Correction)
azonos tartalmú of the same tenor (Correction)
zsírkő tartalmú talcose (Correction)
talcous (Correction)
antimon tartalmú antimonial (Correction)
bitumen tartalmú bitumeniferous (Correction)
gyémánt tartalmú diamantiferous (Correction)
földpát tartalmú feldspathic (Correction)
foszfor tartalmú phosphorous (Correction)
kristály tartalmú crystalliferous (Correction)
ópium tartalmú szer opiate (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

No matching expressions found.

Correction mode off