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18 different matching expressions found:

megereszt to ease off (Correction)
to let fly (Correction)
to relax (Correction)
to turn on (Correction)
to unstring, unstrung (Correction)
egerészik to mouse (Correction)
megeresztés relaxation (Correction)
megereszkedés relaxation (Correction)
sag (Correction)
subsidence (Correction)
yield (Correction)
megereszkedik to sag (Correction)
to warp (Correction)
to yield (Correction)
megereszkedett loose (Correction)
megereszt egy viccet to crack a joke (Correction)
megereszt egy telefont to give sy a tinkle (Correction)
megereszti a nadrágszíjat to let out the reef (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

egeres mousy (Correction)
egerész mouser (Correction)
megereszkedett sagging (Correction)

Correction mode off