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2 different matching expressions found:

esni kezdett it started raining (Correction)
nincs itt semmi keresnivalód this is no place for you (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

esni to rain (Correction)
kiesni fall out (Correction)
elkésni to be late for (Correction)
keresni to find (Correction)
to look for (Correction)
to search (Correction)
odalesni peep at (Correction)
lekésni a to miss the (Correction)
nem szeretnék elkésni i should hate to be late (Correction)
meghökkenni, ámulatba esni to be amazed at (Correction)
arccal előre beleesni vmibe to fall face first into st (Correction)
lehetséges, hogy ma esni fog. may / it - rain today. (Correction)

Correction mode off