[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

85 different matching expressions found:

grass (Correction)
mother (Correction)
fül bail (Correction)
bow (Correction)
ear (Correction)
flappers (Correction)
handle (Correction)
lug (Correction)
tab (Correction)
fux rock (Correction)
z sallow (Correction)
to stitch (Correction)
fúr to bad-mouth (Correction)
to bore (Correction)
to bur (Correction)
to burr (Correction)
to drill (Correction)
fúj to blow, blew, blown (Correction)
to bluster (Correction)
to huff (Correction)
to waft (Correction)
fut to course (Correction)
to fly, flew, flown (Correction)
to race (Correction)
to run, ran, run (Correction)
t to fire (Correction)
to heat (Correction)
to stoke (Correction)
fúró auger (Correction)
bit (Correction)
fül- aural (Correction)
füli aural (Correction)
fújó blower (Correction)
fúvó blower (Correction)
futó caducous (Correction)
passing (Correction)
runner (Correction)
fürt cluster (Correction)
curl (Correction)
tress (Correction)
corset (Correction)
girdle (Correction)
lace (Correction)
string (Correction)
füge fig (Correction)
fúga fugue (Correction)
füst fume (Correction)
reek (Correction)
smoke (Correction)
pfuj phooey (Correction)
fürj quail (Correction)
fura queer (Correction)
rum (Correction)
whimsical (Correction)
stoker (Correction)
függ to be dependent on (Correction)
to hang (Correction)
to hinge (Correction)
befú to overblow, -blew,- blown (Correction)
fürge agile (Correction)
brisk (Correction)
fúzió amalgamation (Correction)
fukar avaricious (Correction)
méh balm (Correction)
méz balm (Correction)
pfuj! barf me out! (Correction)
fürdő bath (Correction)
bogie (Correction)
fülke bay (Correction)
booth (Correction)
box (Correction)
chamber (Correction)
closet (Correction)
compartment (Correction)
fütty blast (Correction)
fújás blow (Correction)
fúvás blow (Correction)
futás bolt (Correction)
furat bore (Correction)
borehole (Correction)
caliber (Correction)
calibre (Correction)
fúrás boring (Correction)
fuvar carriage (Correction)
futár courier (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

fu boo (Correction)
- -wort (Correction)
fúj blow , blew , blown 2. (Correction)
fut go for a run (Correction)
run (Correction)
t stoke (Correction)
füge banian (Correction)
banyan (Correction)
fúró borer (Correction)
buttfucker (Correction)
drill (Correction)
függ depend (Correction)
depend on (Correction)
pfuj phew (Correction)
ugh (Correction)

Correction mode off