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10 different matching expressions found:

felhang overtone (Correction)
felhangol to key (Correction)
to key up (Correction)
to put in tune (Correction)
to string, strung (Correction)
to tone up (Correction)
to tune (Correction)
to tune up (Correction)
félhanggal leszállított flat (Correction)
harmonikus felhangot fúj to overblow, -blew,- blown (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

félhang half note (Correction)
semitone (Correction)
felhangol put in tune (Correction)
tone up (Correction)
tune (Correction)
félhangzó semi-vowel (Correction)
félhangosan sotto voce (Correction)
felhangol/-csigáz key up (Correction)
felhangosit; megjelenik turn up (Correction)

Correction mode off