[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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22 different matching expressions found:

genny matter (Correction)
pus (Correction)
genny- purulent (Correction)
gennyes crappy (Correction)
purulent (Correction)
gennyed to come to a head (Correction)
to fester (Correction)
to gather to a head (Correction)
gennyedő purulent (Correction)
gennyedés fester (Correction)
festering (Correction)
elgennyed to come to a head (Correction)
to gather to a head (Correction)
gennyezik to matter (Correction)
gennyedzik to run, ran, run (Correction)
gennyesedés gathering (Correction)
gennyesedik to putrefy (Correction)
gennyes alak geek (Correction)
gennyes váladék purulent discharge (Correction)
gennyes pattanás blotch (Correction)
gennyes torokgyulladás putrid sore throat (Correction)
gennyes mandulagyulladás putrid sore throat (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

genny sanies (Correction)
gennyláda motherfucker (Correction)
idegennyelv foreign-language (Correction)
gennyesedik suppurate (Correction)
gennyesedés suppuration (Correction)
genny(esedés) purulence (Correction)
gennyes pattanás blain (Correction)
pustule (Correction)

Correction mode off