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90 different matching expressions found:

háj fat (Correction)
haj hair (Correction)
hajó craft (Correction)
man, men (Correction)
ship (Correction)
vessel (Correction)
óhaj desire (Correction)
pleasure (Correction)
wish (Correction)
haj- hairy (Correction)
hajt to actuate (Correction)
to book (Correction)
to drift (Correction)
to drive, drove, driven (Correction)
to fold (Correction)
to impel (Correction)
to propel (Correction)
to push (Correction)
to push on (Correction)
to rattle (Correction)
to ride, rode, ridden (Correction)
to send, sent (Correction)
to spank (Correction)
hajón aboard (Correction)
by sea (Correction)
hajtó actuating (Correction)
beater (Correction)
propulsive (Correction)
hajló bent (Correction)
leaning (Correction)
hajós boatman (Correction)
navigator (Correction)
sailor (Correction)
seafaring (Correction)
seaman, seamen (Correction)
hájas fat (Correction)
fatty (Correction)
gross (Correction)
obese (Correction)
hajrá finish (Correction)
spurt (Correction)
hajas hairy (Correction)
sóhaj moan (Correction)
sigh (Correction)
duhaj rumbustious (Correction)
turbulent (Correction)
hajol to bend, bent (Correction)
to lean (Correction)
to lean, leant (Correction)
hajít to bowl (Correction)
to bung (Correction)
to cast, cast (Correction)
to dart (Correction)
to fling, flung (Correction)
to heave (Correction)
to heave, hove (Correction)
to hurl (Correction)
to launch (Correction)
to pitch (Correction)
to project (Correction)
to send, sent (Correction)
to shy (Correction)
to sling, slung (Correction)
to throw, threw, thrown (Correction)
to toss (Correction)
óhajt to desire (Correction)
to like (Correction)
to want (Correction)
to will (Correction)
hajlam aptitude (Correction)
bent (Correction)
bias (Correction)
brains (Correction)
calling (Correction)
disposition (Correction)
drift (Correction)
hajdan at one time (Correction)
erstwhile (Correction)
hajlás bend (Correction)
hang (Correction)
hajlék bivvy (Correction)
hajtás burgeon (Correction)
drift (Correction)
drive (Correction)
growth (Correction)
hajlat curve (Correction)
hajnal dawn (Correction)
dawning (Correction)
day-break (Correction)
daybreak (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

hajó nave (Correction)
hajt to hurl (Correction)
duhaj bacchanalian (Correction)
hajtű bodkin (Correction)
hajrá burst of speed (Correction)
álhaj hairpiece (Correction)
hajít hurl (Correction)
hajol lean (Correction)
hajón on board (Correction)
hajtó propellant (Correction)

Correction mode off