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25 different matching expressions found:

habár albeit (Correction)
although (Correction)
habarcs mortar (Correction)
habarcsréteg bed of mortar (Correction)
habarcshordó hod (Correction)
cementhabarcs grout (Correction)
habarcsba rak to bed (Correction)
híg mészhabarcs grout (Correction)
habarcslövellés guniting (Correction)
habarcsba ágyaz to bed (Correction)
habarcsba fektet to bed (Correction)
habarccsal kiken to grout (Correction)
habarcsot lövell to gunite (Correction)
híg cementhabarcs neat cement (Correction)
habarccsal megköt to mortar (Correction)
belehabarodik vkibe to become infatuated with sy (Correction)
habarcssimító deszka hawk (Correction)
híg habarccsal kiönt to grout (Correction)
hangszigetelő habarcs pug (Correction)
habarcsterítő szerkezet spreader (Correction)
bele van habarodva vkibe to be crazy about sy (Correction)
to be gone on sy (Correction)
to be ratty over sy (Correction)
to be soft on sy (Correction)
belehabarodik egy lányba to go daffy over a girl (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

habár tho' (Correction)
ágyazóhabarcs embedding mortar (Correction)
cementhabarcs slurry (Correction)
belehabarodott be crazy about (Correction)
"jóllehet, habár" notwithstanding that (Correction)
(ám)bár, habár, noha though (Correction)

Correction mode off