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8 different matching expressions found:

hasé mince (Correction)
sohasem never (Correction)
not for a moment (Correction)
szinte sohasem almost never (Correction)
sohase csüggedj! never say die! (Correction)
sohasem lehet tudni you never can tell (Correction)
sohasem voltam londonban i have never been to london (Correction)
sohasem jártam londonban i have never been to london (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

sohasem láttam i have never seen (Correction)
sohase érje baj never to look back (Correction)
még sohasem láttam i have never seen him before (Correction)
sohasem viszi sokra he well never come to much (Correction)
he will never amount to much (Correction)
még sohasem voltam/jártam i have never been him before (Correction)

Correction mode off