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7 different matching expressions found:

ki nem állhat to loathe (Correction)
ki nem állhatom i can't endure him (Correction)
i can't stick him (Correction)
i cannot bear him (Correction)
i don't cotton on to him (Correction)
ki nem állhatom! i can not abide him! (Correction)
i can not stomach him! (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

ki nem állhatom i can't abide him (Correction)
i can't bear him (Correction)
i cannot abide him (Correction)
i cannot endure him (Correction)
ki nem állhatom őt. bear / i can't - her. (Correction)
i can't bear her. (Correction)
utál, gyűlöl, ki nem állhat loathe (Correction)
ki nem állhat, utál vmit/vkit can't stand sth/sb (Correction)

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