[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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77 different matching expressions found:

kifog to entrap (Correction)
to fish out (Correction)
to fish up (Correction)
to land (Correction)
kifogy to run low (Correction)
to run out (Correction)
kifogás alibi (Correction)
censure (Correction)
evasion (Correction)
excuse (Correction)
mask (Correction)
objection (Correction)
objection to sg (Correction)
plea (Correction)
pretension (Correction)
pretext (Correction)
remonstrance (Correction)
representation (Correction)
stricture (Correction)
nekifog to pitch in (Correction)
to pitch into (Correction)
to set forth (Correction)
to set on (Correction)
to set to (Correction)
to tackle (Correction)
to turn to (Correction)
kifogyva short (Correction)
kifogásol to disapprove (Correction)
to find fault with (Correction)
to impugn (Correction)
to mind (Correction)
to object (Correction)
to object to sg (Correction)
to pass strictures on (Correction)
to pass strictures upon (Correction)
to question (Correction)
to remonstrate (Correction)
to traverse (Correction)
kifogásoló disapproving (Correction)
kifog vkin to be too much for sy (Correction)
kifogásolás impugnment (Correction)
remonstrance (Correction)
stricture (Correction)
kifogástalan blameless (Correction)
correct (Correction)
impeccable (Correction)
laudable (Correction)
perfect (Correction)
unimpeachable (Correction)
watertight (Correction)
without rebuke (Correction)
kifogy vmije to go short of sg (Correction)
to run out of sg (Correction)
to run short of sg (Correction)
kifogásolható impugnable (Correction)
objectionable (Correction)
kifogást emel to except against (Correction)
to raise objection (Correction)
lassan kifogy to peter out (Correction)
gyenge kifogás lame excuse (Correction)
salvo (Correction)
slim excuse (Correction)
thin excuse (Correction)
nekifog vminek to buckle down to sg (Correction)
kifogásol vmit to take objection to sg (Correction)
kifogyhatatlan unfailing (Correction)
kifogástalanul without rebuke (Correction)
kifogástalanság correctness (Correction)
watertightness (Correction)
kifogástalan úr sahib (Correction)
ez kifog rajtam this beats me (Correction)
kifog (lovakat) to unhitch (Correction)
átlátszó kifogás lame excuse (Correction)
thin excuse (Correction)
kifogyott vmiből to be out of sg (Correction)
nekifogott, hogy to be out to (Correction)
munkának nekifog to get to work (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

23 different matching expressions found:

kifog unharness (Correction)
nekifog buckle to (Correction)
get about (Correction)
pitch in (Correction)
to embark on (Correction)
to embark upon (Correction)
kifogás exception (Correction)
kifogásol disapprove (Correction)
pass stricture on (Correction)
remonstrate (Correction)
kifogyott out of print (Correction)
kifog rajta be too much for (Correction)
kifogásolja find fault with (Correction)
halat kifog fish up (Correction)
land a fish (Correction)
kifogástalan beyond reproach (Correction)
unexceptionable (Correction)
unobjectionable (Correction)
kifogásolható exceptionable (Correction)
substandard (Correction)
kifogás(olás) remonstrance (Correction)
gyenge kifogás shabby excuse (Correction)
kifogástalanul unobjectionably (Correction)

Correction mode off