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11 different matching expressions found:

nyaki jugular (Correction)
nyakig head over ears (Correction)
up to the chin (Correction)
nyakigláb gangling (Correction)
spindly (Correction)
nyakig sáros to be all in a muck (Correction)
nyakig vmiben head over ears in sg (Correction)
over head and ears in sg (Correction)
nyakigláb ember spindle (Correction)
nyakig benne van to be in for it (Correction)
nyakig ül vmiben to be up to the eyes in sg (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

nyakig over head and ears (Correction)
nyaki, nyak- cervical (Correction)
fülig/nyakig head over ears (Correction)
up to the eyes (Correction)
anyakirályné queen mother] (Correction)
nyakig benne van be in for it (Correction)
nyakig ül a munkában be up to the elbows (Correction)
nyakig benne (a bajban) up a creek without a paddle (Correction)
fülig/nyakig ül a munkában up to the eyes in work (Correction)
(nyakig) benne van a pácban be in a bad mess (Correction)

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