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18 different matching expressions found:

patkó horseshoe (Correction)
shoe (Correction)
patkolt shod (Correction)
patkóbél duodenum (Correction)
elpatkol to croak (Correction)
to cross the river (Correction)
to cross the river of death (Correction)
to go west (Correction)
to hand in one's check (Correction)
to hop the stick (Correction)
to hop the twig (Correction)
to kick the bucket (Correction)
to snuff out (Correction)
to turn up one's toes (Correction)
patkószeg cog (Correction)
megpatkol to shoe, shod (Correction)
patkósarok cog (Correction)
patkolókovács blacksmith (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

jégpatkó frost-shoe (Correction)
elpatkol kick the bucket (Correction)
patkolókovács farrier (Correction)
beadja a kulcsot/elpatkol/meghal hand in one's check (Correction)

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