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32 different matching expressions found:

rajong to adore (Correction)
to enthuse (Correction)
rajongó aficionado, aficionada (Correction)
buff (Correction)
enthusiast (Correction)
fan (Correction)
fanatic (Correction)
fanatical (Correction)
freak (Correction)
groupie (Correction)
rajongás adoration (Correction)
devotion (Correction)
enthusiasm (Correction)
rajongva adoringly (Correction)
rajongók ardent spirits (Correction)
fandom (Correction)
divatrajongó fashion-conscious (Correction)
rajong vmiért to be keen on sg (Correction)
to be wired into sy (Correction)
to enthuse over sg (Correction)
színházrajongó stage-struck (Correction)
rajongó bámulat furor (Correction)
furore (Correction)
rajongója vminek bug (Correction)
devotee (Correction)
enthusiast (Correction)
nut (Correction)
túlzottan rajongó doting (Correction)
rajongva beszél vmiről to rave about sg (Correction)
rajongással beszél vmiről to rave about sg (Correction)
érzelgős rajongással beszél to slobber over sy (Correction)
érzelgős rajongással beszél vkiről to slobber over sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

rajongó admirer (Correction)
rajongás jonesing (Correction)
rajongó(ja) enthusiast (Correction)
mozirajongó film-fan (Correction)
zenerajongó music-lover (Correction)
rajongók klubja fan club (Correction)
rajongók levelei fan mail (Correction)
rajongani valamiért to jones sg (Correction)
lelkes, lelkendező, rajongó enthusiastic (Correction)

Correction mode off