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53 different matching expressions found:

reped to crack (Correction)
to flaw (Correction)
to slit (Correction)
to slit, slit (Correction)
to split (Correction)
to split, split (Correction)
repedt cracked (Correction)
repedés burst (Correction)
crack (Correction)
cranny (Correction)
fire-crack (Correction)
fissure (Correction)
flaw (Correction)
joint (Correction)
rent (Correction)
rictus, rictus (Correction)
rift (Correction)
rive (Correction)
slit (Correction)
split (Correction)
spring (Correction)
tear (Correction)
lereped to exfoliate (Correction)
elreped to slit (Correction)
to slit, slit (Correction)
to split (Correction)
to split, split (Correction)
megreped to flaw (Correction)
to spring, sprang, sprung (Correction)
felreped to rive, rived, riven (Correction)
megrepedt cracked (Correction)
wrung (Correction)
repedezés crackle (Correction)
fire-crack (Correction)
elrepedés split (Correction)
szétreped to burst, burst (Correction)
to bust (Correction)
to crack (Correction)
to exfoliate (Correction)
to fragment (Correction)
repedezik to crackle (Correction)
repedezett cracked (Correction)
crazed (Correction)
rough (Correction)
shaky (Correction)
repedt hang cracked voice (Correction)
cserépedény crock (Correction)
crockery (Correction)
szétrepedés exfoliation (Correction)
felrepedezett chappy (Correction)
szétrepedezés spallation (Correction)
repedések betöltése infilling (Correction)
apró repedéseket idéz elő to craze (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

repedt flawed (Correction)
repedés rupture (Correction)
(meg)repedés cracking (Correction)
hajszálrepedés hairline crack (Correction)
termésrepedés (növ) fruit cracking (növ) (Correction)
repedt fej (káposzta) (növ) cracked head (növ) (Correction)
fölreped(ezik), kicserepesedik to chap (Correction)

Correction mode off