[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

74 different matching expressions found:

szőr fur (Correction)
hair (Correction)
pubescence (Correction)
szór to diffuse (Correction)
to disperse (Correction)
to eject (Correction)
to fritter away (Correction)
to scatter (Correction)
to send forth (Correction)
to sprinkle (Correction)
to strew (Correction)
to strew, strewed, strewn (Correction)
szőr- hairy (Correction)
-szor times (Correction)
elszór to distribute (Correction)
to scatter (Correction)
beszór to perfuse (Correction)
to sprinkle (Correction)
to strew (Correction)
to strew, strewed, strewn (Correction)
először at first (Correction)
first (Correction)
for the first time (Correction)
hódszőr castor (Correction)
sokszor many a time (Correction)
many times (Correction)
oft-times (Correction)
often (Correction)
scores of time (Correction)
masszőr masseur (Correction)
fanszőr pubic hair (Correction)
alászór to substrate (Correction)
bokaszőr fetlock (Correction)
lámaszőr llama hair (Correction)
többször several times (Correction)
szétszór to break down (Correction)
to diffuse (Correction)
to disperse (Correction)
to disseminate (Correction)
to dissolve (Correction)
to distribute (Correction)
to fritter away (Correction)
to scatter (Correction)
teleszór to litter (Correction)
agresszor aggressor (Correction)
másodszor for the second time (Correction)
in the second place (Correction)
hányszor? how often? (Correction)
háromszor three times (Correction)
először is first of all (Correction)
first thing (Correction)
to begin with (Correction)
to start with (Correction)
processzor processor (Correction)
professzor professor (Correction)
kompresszor compressor (Correction)
igen sokszor numbers of times (Correction)
times without number (Correction)
átkokat szór to fulminate (Correction)
szór (puska) to scatter the shot (Correction)
jó néhányszor full many time (Correction)
számtalanszor numbers of times (Correction)
scores of time (Correction)
times without number (Correction)
légkompresszor air pump (Correction)
nagyon sokszor full many time (Correction)
először lép fel to come out (Correction)
homokkal beszór to grit (Correction)
többször szavaz to repeat (Correction)
hátgerincmasszőr osteopath (Correction)
szidalmakat szór to fulminate (Correction)
kaviccsal beszór to grit (Correction)
háromszor két láb three feet by two (Correction)
átkokat szór vkire to imprecate curses on sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

beszór sprinkle (Correction)
először a first (Correction)
first / at - (Correction)
firstly (Correction)
teveszőr camel-hair (Correction)
szétszór diffuse (Correction)
dissipate (Correction)
ötödször fifthly (Correction)
másodszor secondly (Correction)
háromszor thrice (Correction)
(szét)szór disperse (Correction)
először is for one thing (Correction)
in the first instance (Correction)
in the first place (Correction)
néhányszor once or twice (Correction)
professzor Prof. (Correction)
pénzt szór to splurge (Correction)
kompresszor supercharger (Correction)
jónéhányszor full many a time (Correction)
számtalanszor dozen's and dozen's of times (Correction)
heaps of times (Correction)
scores of times (Correction)
első, először first (Correction)
mikroprocesszor microprocessor (Correction)
segéd processzor coprocessor (Correction)
szétszór, elhint scatter (Correction)

Correction mode off