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15 different matching expressions found:

szentelt consecrate (Correction)
beszentelt consecrate (Correction)
felszentelt consecrate (Correction)
megszentelt consecrate (Correction)
hallowed (Correction)
holy (Correction)
sainted (Correction)
sanctified (Correction)
vminek szentelt consecrate to sg (Correction)
megszentelt föld hallowed ground (Correction)
szenteltvíz tartó font (Correction)
felszentelt püspök suffragan (Correction)
suffragan bishop (Correction)
szenteltessék meg a te neved hallowed be thy name (Correction)
leszedi a szenteltvizet vkiről to crab (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

2 different matching expressions found:

szentelt sacred (Correction)
szent(séges), (meg)szentelt holy (Correction)

Correction mode off