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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

10 different matching expressions found:

arrow nyíl (Correction)
nyílvessző (Correction)
arrowhead nyíl alakú jel (Correction)
nyílfű (Correction)
nyílhegy (Correction)
arrow-headed ék alakú (Correction)
arrowhead-writing ékírás (Correction)
to wing an arrow at sy nyilat lő vkire (Correction)
nyíllal lő vkire (Correction)
arrow-headed characters ékírás (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

arrows nyilak (Correction)
arrow-head nyílhegy (Correction)
green arrow zöld nyíl (Correction)
storm of arrows nyílzápor (Correction)
a flight of arrows nyílzápor (Correction)

Correction mode off