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17 different matching expressions found:

to lay, laid csillapít (Correction)
elcsendesít (Correction)
előterjeszt (Correction)
fekszik (Correction)
feltesz (Correction)
fogad (Correction)
kitervel (Correction)
lefektet (Correction)
tervez (Correction)
tesz (Correction)
tojik (Correction)
to be laid low betegen fekszik (Correction)
to be laid off elveszti állását (Correction)
the gas is laid on be van vezetve a gáz (Correction)
laid out by the line zsinóregyenes (Correction)
have the water laid on bevezetteti a vízvezetéket (Correction)
laid out by rule and line zsinóregyenes (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

laid lefektetett (Correction)
lásd: 'lay' (Correction)
new-laid friss (Correction)
deep-laid ravaszul kigondolt (Correction)
new-laid egg friss tojás (Correction)
be laid to rest eltemették (Correction)
lay , laid , laid fektet (Correction)

Correction mode off