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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

24 different matching expressions found:

kitart to endure (Correction)
to hang on (Correction)
to hold on (Correction)
to hold out (Correction)
to hold to (Correction)
to hold, held (Correction)
to last (Correction)
to last out (Correction)
to persist in (Correction)
to stand to (Correction)
to stick by (Correction)
to stick, stuck (Correction)
végsőkig kitart to endure to the end (Correction)
kitart vmi mellett to hold by (Correction)
to insist (Correction)
to insist on sg (Correction)
to insist that (Correction)
to insist upon sg (Correction)
to persevere (Correction)
to persist in sg (Correction)
kitart vki mellett to stand by (Correction)
kitart vki mellett vmiben to see sy through (Correction)
következetesen kitart nézete mellett to be wedded to his opinion (Correction)
következetesen kitart véleménye mellett to be wedded to his opinion (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

kitart hold on (Correction)
hold to (Correction)
persevere (Correction)
persists (Correction)
kitart mellette stand to (Correction)
stick by (Correction)
szilárdan kitart hold firm to (Correction)
a végsőkig kitart endure to the end (Correction)
kitart valami mellett adhere, -d to sg (Correction)
(vakmerően) kitart mellette face it out (Correction)
szilárdan kitart véleménye mellett be tenacious of one's opinion (Correction)
nem adja fel/mindvégig kitart/végigcsinál stay the course (Correction)

Correction mode off