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25 different matching expressions found:

csipke lace (Correction)
csipke- lacy (Correction)
csipked to chaff (Correction)
to peck (Correction)
to pick (Correction)
csipkebogyó hip (Correction)
csipkelődés jape (Correction)
raillery (Correction)
sally (Correction)
gépi csipke lace (Correction)
csipkefinom lacy (Correction)
csipkeszerű lacy (Correction)
csipkebokor thorn (Correction)
csipkelődik to jape (Correction)
csipkeszalag lace (Correction)
csipkefüggöny lace curtain (Correction)
net curtain (Correction)
see through curtain (Correction)
sheer curtain (Correction)
csipkerózsika sleeping beauty (Correction)
csipkedi magát to pull one's finger out (Correction)
csipkeverőpárna pillow (Correction)
leomló csipketömeg cascade of lace (Correction)
csipke-alapkitöltés mode (Correction)
illatos csipkerózsa sweet briar (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

csipkelődő nippy (Correction)
vert csipke bone-lace (Correction)
csipkegallér lace collar (Correction)
varrott csipke needle-lace (Correction)
horgolt csipke point-lice (Correction)

Correction mode off