[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

54 different matching expressions found:

jós augur (Correction)
fortune-teller (Correction)
oracle (Correction)
prophet (Correction)
soothsayer (Correction)
vaticinator (Correction)
jós fortune-teller (Correction)
prophetess (Correction)
vaticinatress (Correction)
jóság goodness (Correction)
kindness (Correction)
jós predictive (Correction)
prophetic (Correction)
prophetical (Correction)
jósol to augur (Correction)
to bode (Correction)
to foretell, foretold (Correction)
to presage (Correction)
to prognosticate (Correction)
to prophesy (Correction)
to read sy's hand (Correction)
to vaticinate (Correction)
jóslat crystal (Correction)
forecast (Correction)
oracle (Correction)
prognostication (Correction)
prophecy (Correction)
jóslás forecast (Correction)
prediction (Correction)
prognostication (Correction)
soothsaying (Correction)
jószív goodwill (Correction)
jószág stock (Correction)
jóságos benignant (Correction)
warm-hearted (Correction)
jószívű charitable (Correction)
jóshely oracle (Correction)
te jószagú! cor blimey! (Correction)
jóságos ég! good heavens! (Correction)
nagy jószág neat (Correction)
jószomszédi neighborly (Correction)
neighbourly (Correction)
jóslatszerű oracular (Correction)
jószerencse weal (Correction)
lopott jószág filch (Correction)
jószomszédság neighbourliness (Correction)
bitang jószág stray (Correction)
waif (Correction)
osztatlan jószág joint ownership (Correction)
nem jósol semmi jót it augurs no good (Correction)
tilosban járó jószág encroaching cattle (Correction)
ebül szerzett jószág ill-gotten gains (Correction)
kristálygömbből jós crystal-gazer (Correction)
a maga jószántából való unbidden (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

18 different matching expressions found:

jós diviner (Correction)
jósol bode (Correction)
tell fortunes (Correction)
jós cassandra (Correction)
sibyl (Correction)
jóslás divining (Correction)
jósolt forecasted (Correction)
jós(nő) fortune-teller (Correction)
soothsayer (Correction)
jószerint practically (Correction)
jószerével practically (Correction)
(meg)jósol prophesy (Correction)
jószolgálati pro bono (Correction)
nyers de jószívű rough diamind (Correction)
elörejelez, jósol predict (Correction)
jószándékának záloga an earnest of his good intentions (Correction)
(maga) a megtestesült jóság the embodiment of kindness (Correction)
ebül szerzett jószág ebül vész el ill-gotten gains seldom prosper (Correction)

Correction mode off