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43 different matching expressions found:

nevel to breed, bred (Correction)
to discipline (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to school (Correction)
nevelő educator (Correction)
preceptor (Correction)
nevelés breeding (Correction)
nursing (Correction)
nurture (Correction)
training (Correction)
nevelőnő governess (Correction)
nursery governess (Correction)
neveletlen boorish (Correction)
he's a bit hairy about the fetlocks (Correction)
he's a bit hairy about the heels (Correction)
ill-bred (Correction)
ineducable (Correction)
troublesome (Correction)
unmannerly (Correction)
jól nevelt he knows how to behave (Correction)
thoroughbred (Correction)
well-bred (Correction)
well-mannered (Correction)
nevelőotthon foster home (Correction)
nevelőintézet boarding school (Correction)
boarding-school (Correction)
neveletlenség breach of decorum (Correction)
indiscretion (Correction)
misbehaviour (Correction)
rosszul nevel to spoil, spoilt (Correction)
nevelt gyermek nurseling (Correction)
nursling (Correction)
bölcsőben nevel to cradle (Correction)
neveletlen ember boor (Correction)
neveletlen fickó cur (Correction)
üvegházban nevel to force (Correction)
főiskolai nevelés higher education (Correction)
gondatlanul nevel to drag up (Correction)
javító-nevelő munka corrective training (Correction)
neveletlenül viselkedő ill-bred (Correction)
szobatisztaságra nevel to housebreak, -broke, -broken (Correction)
jobb erkölcsökre nevel to humanize (Correction)
neveletlenül viselkedik to misbehave oneself (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

25 different matching expressions found:

nevelt bred (Correction)
nevelés upbringing (Correction)
nevelési educational (Correction)
pedagogical (Correction)
nevelőapa foster-father (Correction)
fosterfather (Correction)
neveltetés bringing-up (Correction)
nevelőanya foster-mother (Correction)
neveléstan pedagogy (Correction)
neveletlen underbred (Correction)
(fel)nevelés upbringing (Correction)
nevelő hatású educative (Correction)
neveletlenség misbehavior (Correction)
magról nevelt seedling (Correction)
gyereket nevel to rear a child (Correction)
szinésznek nevel actor / bring up to be an - (Correction)
bring up to be an actor (Correction)
nevelési, oktatási educational (Correction)
javitó-nevelő intézet approved school (Correction)
ápolás, nevelés, (növ) cultivation (növ) (Correction)
egyszáras nevelés (növ) single-stem training (növ) (Correction)
cuclisüvegen nevelkedett gyerek hand-fed child (Correction)
elkényeztet, rosszul nevel; elront spoil , spoilt , spoilt (Correction)
internátus,nevelö intézet,kollégium boarding school (Correction)
school / boarding - (Correction)

Correction mode off