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67 different matching expressions found:

nyak neck (Correction)
scrag (Correction)
tang (Correction)
nyaki jugular (Correction)
nyakas contrary (Correction)
cussed (Correction)
headstrong (Correction)
unruly (Correction)
nyakig head over ears (Correction)
up to the chin (Correction)
nyakal to guzzle (Correction)
to swig (Correction)
to swill (Correction)
nyakörv collar (Correction)
dog's collar (Correction)
nyakalja dewlap (Correction)
nyaktiló guillotine (Correction)
nyaktoll hackle (Correction)
nyaklánc necklace (Correction)
nyakleves clip (Correction)
nyakkendő cravat (Correction)
necktie (Correction)
scarf (Correction)
scarf, scarves (Correction)
tie (Correction)
nyakigláb gangling (Correction)
spindly (Correction)
nyakszirt nape (Correction)
nyakasság obstinacy (Correction)
nyakfájás stiff neck (Correction)
nyaktilóz to guillotine (Correction)
nyakravaló cravat (Correction)
nyakkendős cravatted (Correction)
nyakoncsíp to pinch (Correction)
nyaktilózás guillotining (Correction)
magas nyakú high (Correction)
nyakra-főre indiscriminately (Correction)
nyakát töri to break one's neck (Correction)
nyakon csíp to cop (Correction)
to nick (Correction)
nyakára jár to importune (Correction)
nyakára hág to run through (Correction)
nyaktekercs wryneck (Correction)
nyakig sáros to be all in a muck (Correction)
nyakát szegi to break one's neck (Correction)
nyakába varr to impose (Correction)
nyakferdülés wryneck (Correction)
nyakig vmiben head over ears in sg (Correction)
over head and ears in sg (Correction)
kivágott nyak pompadour (Correction)
selyem nyaksál cravat (Correction)
nyakhám vánkosa collar pad (Correction)
nyakigláb ember spindle (Correction)
mások nyakán él to live on others (Correction)
v-nyakú pulóver v-neck pullover (Correction)
v-neck sweater (Correction)
fehér nyakkendő white tie (Correction)
fekete nyakkendő black tie (Correction)
nyakkendőt hordó cravatted (Correction)
nyakig benne van to be in for it (Correction)
nyakig ül vmiben to be up to the eyes in sg (Correction)
kinyújt (nyakat) to crane (Correction)
behúzza a nyakát to duck (Correction)
nyakkendőt viselő cravatted (Correction)
kitekeri a nyakát to scrag (Correction)
nyújtogat (nyakat) to crane (Correction)
nyakon teremt vkit to give sy a thick ear (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

33 different matching expressions found:

nyakig over head and ears (Correction)
nyakörv dog-collar (Correction)
nyaktörő breakneck (Correction)
nyaklánc necklet (Correction)
nyakbőség collar size (Correction)
neck-band (Correction)
nyakkendő neckcloth (Correction)
nyakszirt occipital (Correction)
occiput (Correction)
nyakkendö tie 1. (Correction)
nyakbavaló neckwear (Correction)
nyakoncsíp seize by the collar (Correction)
nyakát töri break one's neck (Correction)
nyakkendőtű breast-pin (Correction)
stickpin (Correction)
tie-pin (Correction)
nyaki, nyak- cervical (Correction)
nyakoncsípik get pinched (Correction)
fülig/nyakig head over ears (Correction)
up to the eyes (Correction)
nyakába varr imposes (Correction)
nyakmerevítő neck brace (Correction)
nyakán marad remain on hand (Correction)
nyakmerevség torticollis (Correction)
nyakába borul fall on neck (Correction)
fling one's arms round neck (Correction)
(nyak)kivágás neckline (Correction)
mások nyakán él live on others (Correction)
nyakig benne van be in for it (Correction)
rheumás nyakfájás a stiff neck (Correction)
kiszivás (nyakon) hickey (Correction)
nyakkendőcsíptető tie-clip (Correction)
... nyakú (vmilyen) neck / ...-necked (Correction)

Correction mode off