[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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42 different matching expressions found:

átad to assign (Correction)
to consign (Correction)
to convey (Correction)
to deliver (Correction)
to give up (Correction)
to give, gave, given (Correction)
to hand (Correction)
to hand over (Correction)
to leave, left (Correction)
to pass (Correction)
to pass over (Correction)
to surrender (Correction)
to transmit (Correction)
to turn in (Correction)
to yield (Correction)
átadó transmitter (Correction)
átadás conveyance (Correction)
deliverance (Correction)
delivery (Correction)
livery (Correction)
pass (Correction)
presentation (Correction)
rendition (Correction)
surrender (Correction)
transmission (Correction)
átadás heat transfer (Correction)
területet átad to yield ground (Correction)
e sorok átadója the bearer of this letter is mr (Correction)
megőrzésre átad to bail (Correction)
to trust (Correction)
átad vmit vkinek to give sg over to sy (Correction)
megőrzésre átadott on trust (Correction)
helyet átad vkinek to yield the place to sy (Correction)
átadja magát vminek to abandon oneself to sg (Correction)
to give oneself up to sg (Correction)
to indulge in sg (Correction)
kitüntetések átadása investiture (Correction)
kulcsátadásos rendszer turnkey system (Correction)
átadja ülőhelyét vkinek to give up one's seat to sy (Correction)
átad vkit a rendőrségnek to give sy in charge (Correction)
átadja magát vmi szenvedélynek to be given over to sg (Correction)
átadja magát a kétségbeesésnek to give way to despair (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

átad deliver over (Correction)
hand to (Correction)
átadni hand over (Correction)
átadás handover (Correction)
átadható deliverable (Correction)
hívásátadás handoff (Correction)
handover (Correction)
üzenetet átad deliver a message (Correction)
átadás elmulasztása non-delivery (Correction)
átadja a szót vkinek call upon sy to address a meeting (Correction)
call upon sy to speak (Correction)
átadja a rendőrségnek give in charge (Correction)
átadja a helyét vkinek give up one's seat to sb (Correction)
seat / give up one's - to sb (Correction)
tanácsadói és konzultációs csoportok - A szakismeretek átadásának a Phare segélyprogramoknál alkalmazott egyik leggyakoribb formája (PHARE) advisory and consultancy teams (PHARE) (Correction)

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