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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

86 different matching expressions found:

csel art (Correction)
artifice (Correction)
catch (Correction)
cod (Correction)
dodge (Correction)
fake (Correction)
feint (Correction)
fetch (Correction)
gimmick (Correction)
ruse (Correction)
csel cello (Correction)
cseléd menial (Correction)
cselez to dodge (Correction)
to dribble (Correction)
to feint (Correction)
lincsel to lynch (Correction)
cselekvő active (Correction)
cselezés dribble (Correction)
bölcselő philosopher (Correction)
hadicsel stratagem (Correction)
köhécsel to cough slightly (Correction)
to hack (Correction)
to hawk (Correction)
cselleng to dawdle (Correction)
to hang about (Correction)
to hang around (Correction)
to laze (Correction)
to loaf (Correction)
to loaf about (Correction)
to lop about (Correction)
to slope about (Correction)
to stick around (Correction)
to trapes (Correction)
pepecsel to niggle (Correction)
to potter about (Correction)
to putter (Correction)
csencsel to swap (Correction)
to swap sg for sg (Correction)
cselekvés act (Correction)
action (Correction)
verb (Correction)
csellista cellist (Correction)
cselédség dependants (Correction)
cselfogás feint (Correction)
cselgáncs jiu-jitsu (Correction)
ju-jitsu (Correction)
judo (Correction)
lincselés lynch-law (Correction)
mob law (Correction)
csőcselék mob (Correction)
ragtag (Correction)
ragtag and bobtail (Correction)
riff-raff (Correction)
riffraff (Correction)
rout (Correction)
vermin (Correction)
cselszövő schemer (Correction)
shifter (Correction)
villain (Correction)
bilincsel to fetter (Correction)
cselt sző to put up a job (Correction)
tekercsel to reel (Correction)
szegecsel to rivet (Correction)
pepecselő trifler (Correction)
cselekedet act (Correction)
action (Correction)
deed (Correction)
cselekmény act (Correction)
action (Correction)
plot (Correction)
incselkedő elfin (Correction)
elfish (Correction)
josher (Correction)
joshing (Correction)
quizzical (Correction)
köhécselés hawk (Correction)
cselszövés intrigue (Correction)
plot (Correction)
plotting (Correction)
scheme (Correction)
scheming (Correction)
cselédlány maid (Correction)
aljas csel mean trick (Correction)
galád csel mean trick (Correction)
pepecselés niggling (Correction)
bölcseleti philosophical (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

cseles dodgy (Correction)
cseléd servant (Correction)
csel violoncello (Correction)
cselleng dawdle (Correction)
stick around (Correction)
traipse (Correction)
trapes (Correction)
pepecsel niggle (Correction)
potter about (Correction)
putter (Correction)
cselt sző put up a job (Correction)
csőcselék rabble (Correction)
tag-rag (Correction)
csellista violoncellist (Correction)

Correction mode off