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88 different matching expressions found:

dísz adornment (Correction)
honor (Correction)
honour (Correction)
ornament (Correction)
parade (Correction)
state (Correction)
trimming (Correction)
dísz- gala (Correction)
honorary (Correction)
díszes arabesque (Correction)
fancy (Correction)
gilded (Correction)
ornate (Correction)
stately (Correction)
tricksy (Correction)
dísz preen (Correction)
díszít to adorn (Correction)
to beautify (Correction)
to bedeck (Correction)
to deck (Correction)
to decorate (Correction)
to embellish (Correction)
to emblazon (Correction)
to embroider (Correction)
to garnish (Correction)
to gild (Correction)
to gild, gilt (Correction)
to grace (Correction)
to ornament (Correction)
to stud (Correction)
to trim (Correction)
to vandyke (Correction)
díszágy bed of state (Correction)
fejdísz crest (Correction)
headdress (Correction)
tiara (Correction)
díszítő honorific (Correction)
ornamental (Correction)
díszléc molding (Correction)
moulding (Correction)
dísztér park (Correction)
díszlet set (Correction)
díszítés adornment (Correction)
decoration (Correction)
embellishment (Correction)
ornament (Correction)
ornamentation (Correction)
piping (Correction)
díszebéd banquet (Correction)
state dinner (Correction)
díszcsat barrett (Correction)
hairgrip (Correction)
díszruha formal clothes (Correction)
full dress (Correction)
robe (Correction)
melldísz pectoral (Correction)
indadísz scroll (Correction)
díszgomb stud (Correction)
záródísz terminal (Correction)
terminal ornament (Correction)
vignette (Correction)
díszeleg to parade (Correction)
kidíszít to trap (Correction)
dísztelen austere (Correction)
bald (Correction)
severe (Correction)
díszpárna cushion (Correction)
díszfogat equipage (Correction)
díszműáru fancy goods (Correction)
díszesség gaudiness (Correction)
díszlépés goose-step (Correction)
high step (Correction)
díszemlék honorary monument (Correction)
dísztárgy knick-knack, knick-knackery (Correction)
nick-nack, nick-nackery (Correction)
ornament (Correction)
díszített laced (Correction)
levéldísz leafage (Correction)
díszállat pet (Correction)
dísztábla plaque (Correction)
díszterem salon (Correction)
saloon (Correction)
díszlövés salute (Correction)
díszhintó state coach (Correction)
feldíszít to bedeck (Correction)
to blazon (Correction)
to decorate (Correction)
to doll sg up (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

díszít adorn (Correction)
embellish (Correction)
parget (Correction)
to parget (Correction)
díszlet scene (Correction)
fejdísz topknot (Correction)
dísztető baldachin (Correction)
díszruha dress clothes (Correction)
trappings (Correction)
díszrács garnish (Correction)
díszítés garnishee (Correction)
quatrefoil (Correction)

Correction mode off