[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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86 different matching expressions found:

emel to add (Correction)
to advance (Correction)
to enhance (Correction)
to erect (Correction)
to heave (Correction)
to heave, hove (Correction)
to hold up (Correction)
to jack up (Correction)
to lift (Correction)
to pry (Correction)
to put on (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to rear (Correction)
to send up (Correction)
to set up (Correction)
to step up (Correction)
to up (Correction)
emelő erector (Correction)
gin (Correction)
hoist (Correction)
jack (Correction)
lever (Correction)
emelt high (Correction)
raised (Correction)
stilted (Correction)
emelés elevation (Correction)
erection (Correction)
heave (Correction)
hoist (Correction)
lift (Correction)
lifting (Correction)
emelet floor (Correction)
storey (Correction)
elemel to abstract (Correction)
to bone (Correction)
to filch (Correction)
to hook (Correction)
to lift (Correction)
to pilfer (Correction)
to sneak (Correction)
to swipe (Correction)
kiemel to emphasize (Correction)
to except (Correction)
to feature (Correction)
to heighten (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to relieve (Correction)
to set off (Correction)
to set out (Correction)
to stress (Correction)
to unhinge (Correction)
leemel to get down (Correction)
átemel to lob (Correction)
üzemel to operate (Correction)
kiemelt accentuated (Correction)
emeltyű lever (Correction)
felemel to advance (Correction)
to boost (Correction)
to elevate (Correction)
to exalt (Correction)
to heighten (Correction)
to hold up (Correction)
to jack up (Correction)
to lift (Correction)
to purchase (Correction)
to put up (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to take up (Correction)
to uplift (Correction)
to uprear (Correction)
to upturn (Correction)
érdemel to deserve (Correction)
to merit (Correction)
megemel to jack up (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
emelkedő ascendant (Correction)
ascendent (Correction)
ascent (Correction)
climber (Correction)
grade (Correction)
gradient (Correction)
emellett besides (Correction)
emelőbak crab (Correction)
emelvény dais (Correction)
felemelő elevating (Correction)
high (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

emel doff (Correction)
raise (Correction)
shift (Correction)
üzemel be in operation (Correction)
kiemel emphasize (Correction)
emelni to raise (Correction)
érdemel deserve (Correction)
felemel elevate (Correction)
mark up (Correction)
put up (Correction)
rear (Correction)
upbear (Correction)
kiemelt seeded (Correction)
emeleti upstairs (Correction)

Correction mode off